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Wordless Wednesday - Journalism

Happy wednesday..

Are you happy today? me? not so good.. my lappy start to cause some trouble..
fortunately, next week i'm going back to my hometown, so i can fixed it..


topic for today is JOURNALSIM..

have you ever think what kind of journalism do? are you curious?
are you interested to know?

actually i shared this topic because it related to my curses that i'm taking now
Journalism courses..

You should know

What is "Journalism?"

Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened, but they might not have known about already. Journalists might work at newspapers, magazines, and websites or for TV or radio stations. The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. Good journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the world around them.

There are three main ways to gather information for a news story or opinion piece :
  • Iterview : Talking with people who know something about the story you are reporting.
  • Observation : Watching and listening where the news is taking place.
  • Documents : Reading stories, reports, public records and other printed material.

The people or documents you use when reporting a story called your "sources". In your story, you always tell your readers what sources you've used. So you must remember to get the exact spelling of all your sources names. You want everything in your story to be accurate, including the names of the sources you quote.

Often, a person's name is not enough information to identify them in a news story. Many people have the same name, so you will also want to write down your sources ages, their hometowns, their jobs and any other information about them that is relevant to the story.

Whenever you are interviewing someone, observing something happening or reading about something, you will want to write down the answers to the 5W questions below :

  1. Who are they?
  2. What were they doing?
  3. Where were they doing it?
  4. When they do it?
  5. Why did they do it?

Many good reporters start by keeping a diary. Buy a notebook, and start jotting down anything intersting you hear, see or read each day. You might be suprised to discover how many good stories you encounter each week! hehe....

Here are the keys to writing good journalism :
  • Get the facts - all the facts you can.
  • Tell your readers where you every bit of information you put in your story.
  • Be honest about what you do not know.
  • Don't try to write fancy. Keep it clear.

Start your story with the most important thing that happened in your story. This is called your "lead." It should summarize the whole story in one sentence.

From there, add details that explain or illustrate what's going on. You might need to start with some background or to "set the scene" with details of your observation. Again, write the story like you were telling it to a friend. Start with what's most important, then add background or details as needed.

When you write journalism, your paragraphs will be shorter than you are used to in classroom writing. Each time you introduce a new source, you will start a new paragraph. Each time you bring up a new point, you will start a new paragraph. Again, be sure that you tell the source for each bit of information you add to the story.

Sharing is caring!

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