Assalamualaikum..Salam Maal Hijrah Muslimin dan Muslimat
Kita di Malaysia sedang bergembira
Saudara seislam kita di Gaza sedang bersedih dan berjuang demi Allah dan Islam
Israel laknatullah tidak pernah berhenti untuk melihat bumi Gaza dan Palestine bermandikan darah
KEJAM! Sungguh kejam..!!
Apakah kita hanya sekadar melihat kesengsaraan mereka?
Duhati HATI..jangan menjadi lemah..
Tunjukkan kebesaranMu Ya Allah..Engkau Maha Adil dan Melihat
Engkau juga Mengetahui mengapa berlaku..Takdir Mu pastinya Maha Hebat
Do not be too happy. Because there is still a relative who is still grieving. Ya Allah. Lindungi saudara seislamku .Amin. #PrayForGaza.
Gaza are struggling on a holy day. We get showers, they get bombs. Syahid will truly be theirs, they are lucky in that sense. #PrayForGaza
Gaza has no army, no airforce, no equipment for attack or defence. But they still got Allah who always be with them and us. #PrayForGaza
Palestine is bleeding now..Protect them Ya Allah...
Are you going to stay silent? Deaf your ear without NO ACTION??!!
Setiap kita solat, sedekahkanlah doa untuk mereka yang memerlukan pertolongan dan perlindungan oleh Allah. #PrayForGaza
PRAYER: The world's largest wireless connection. #PrayForGaza
Are you willing to see this??
Israel is killing babies and children. Does this kids doesn't have the right to live??
In the Name of Allah. The Most Gracious,The Most Merciful. Save our beloved Gaza from zionists laknatullah!!
Reality: kids in Malaysia VS kids in Gaza
Let's pray for them...